Aarhus Universitets segl

Lifecycle Design & Manufacturing



  1. Sustainable Design & Production (MSc., 10 ECTS): 
  2. Design & Konstruktion (BSc., 5 ECTS)

PhD & Postdoctoral researchers


Calls for fully funded PhD & postdoc positions in the LCDM research group are always posted on the MPE Department Vacancies page



Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) if you are interested in pursing a PhD or postdoctoral fellowship in the LCDM research group and are,

  • applying for (or received) funding from EU/International programs such as CSC fellowship, Marie Curie postdoctoral Fellowship, etc.
  • working for a Danish/EU/International company that is interested in supporting a PhD or postdoctoral fellowship
  • able to self-finance your research through other means



 All PhD and postdoctoral researchers intending to collaborate with the LCDM research group are welcome! Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) for further details.

MSc. Thesis & RnD projects

Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) if you are looking for an MSc. thesis or an R&D project. It is highly recommended that interested MSc. thesis students enroll for an R&D project related to the thesis topic prior to the final thesis semester.

Examples of prior MSc. thesis projects

  • Modelling and Evaluation of the Injection Moulding Unit Process: An Investigation in Industrial Application (with LEGO)
  • e3DiM Benchmark: Energy Consumption of 3D Printing Isovolumetric Mechanical Components Benchmark
  • Machine Specific Energy Modelling using the Unit Process Life Cycle Inventory model
  • A Low-Cost Tool Condition Monitoring System for Failure Mode Detection on a Desktop Milling Machine
  • Innovation Management: Strategies for sustainable production technologies (with Grundfos)

BSc. & BEng. projects

If you are a BSc. & BEng. student interested in a thesis (or project) related to the broad area of engineering design & manufacturing,  reach out to Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk).  

Potential topics

  • Sensor-setups for manufacturing & production monitoring
  • Design & manufacturing data visualization
  • Sustainable & circular product development
  • Designing products to for the developing world
  • Design for additive manufacturing

Summer Internships

Summer internships in the LCDM research group are hosted in the Makerspace Lab. Students will have the opportunity to work on exiciting projects with a wide range of digital manufacturing and measurement tools in the laboratory. We are specifically looking for students willing to build skills in manufacturing engineering, sustainable design & manufacturing, human-machine collaboration, process monitoring & control, and other related areas.