Calls for fully funded PhD & postdoc positions in the LCDM research group are always posted on the MPE Department Vacancies page
Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) if you are interested in pursing a PhD or postdoctoral fellowship in the LCDM research group and are,
All PhD and postdoctoral researchers intending to collaborate with the LCDM research group are welcome! Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) for further details.
Please contact Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk) if you are looking for an MSc. thesis or an R&D project. It is highly recommended that interested MSc. thesis students enroll for an R&D project related to the thesis topic prior to the final thesis semester.
If you are a BSc. & BEng. student interested in a thesis (or project) related to the broad area of engineering design & manufacturing, reach out to Prof. Ramanujan (devr@mpe.au.dk).
Summer internships in the LCDM research group are hosted in the Makerspace Lab. Students will have the opportunity to work on exiciting projects with a wide range of digital manufacturing and measurement tools in the laboratory. We are specifically looking for students willing to build skills in manufacturing engineering, sustainable design & manufacturing, human-machine collaboration, process monitoring & control, and other related areas.