Aarhus Universitets segl

Finite Element Modelling

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a strong numeric tool for solving complex field problems. The focus for the group is investigating how to use high-end Finite Element software for simulating mechanical behavior of materials. Focus are on developing and implementing non-linear material models. As an example 3D printed materials and biomaterials. The use of 3D printed products and products made by other additive manufacturing methods for production are increasing instead of just using the methods for prototyping. This demand for developing and improving the simulation capabilities. Because the method are used to solve a large range of field problems, the group is supporting other research groups in the Mechanical Section.


  • Numerical models for non-linear materials
  • Numerical models for 3D printed materials
  • Scaling of material properties between 3D printed prototypes and full scale products
  • Using FEA in Fracture Mechanics to improve the quality decision systems in manufacturing


  • Structural analysis
  • Geometric nonlinearity
  • Instability
  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Fatigue
  • Workflow for FEA
  • Super elements
  • Local – global analysis
  • Biomaterials


  • Finite Element Modeling
  • FEM for non-linear Materials and Geometry
  • Fracture Mechanics