Aarhus Universitets segl

Reliability Modelling and Optimization group


PhD degree co-supervised by Aarhus University and Grundfos

Do you want to contribute to industrial green transition and advance cutting-edge manufacturing technologies?

Do you want to pursue a PhD degree in colaboration between Aarhus University, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, and the Grundfos Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) group?

Submit interest below before 4 Dec 2024

Note 1: For BSc and MSc Grade Transcripts submission below, you must i) download and fill in your grades in the excel file below ii) save as PDF and iii) submit the PDF file. 

Click here to download Grade Transcript Template

Note 2 : You need to confirm your e-mail by clicking on the link that will be sent to you after submission.

Note 3: Reference letters are not mandatory. 

Industrial PhD Dec 2024

Submit before 4 Dec 2024

Expected start date and duration of project

This is a 3 year project with possible start from 1st of January or as soon a possible thereafter.

Project description

The project will pioneer state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies for economically competitive and sustainable production of low-criticality rare earth permanent magnets with tunable material properties. The research will include:

  • Microstructure analysis, magnetic and mechanical performance assessment of rare earth permanent magnet materials
  • Experimental process development for advanced magnet production technologies, including sintering and upsetting
  • Finite element simulations of the above manufacturing processes and developing data- driven process optimization models
  • Validation and performance testing of magnetic materials
  • Disseminating the research work in top-tier academic venues, including peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations.

Qualifications and specific competences

Master’s degree (120 ECTS or equivalent) in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Material Science & Engineering, or in a related discipline. 

Project team 

Interdisciplinary research team of 3 members:

  • Badrinath Veluri, PhD, Chief Specialist Materials & Material Processing at GRUNDFOS A/S
  • Associate Prof. Devarajan Ramanujan, Head of Section Design & Manufacturing, Aarhus University Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering
  • Assistant Prof. Rami Mansour, Aarhus University Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

In addition:

  • Two master students at Aarhus University, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering


Assistant Prof. Rami Mansour, Aarhus University Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, ramimansour@mpe.au.dk, +45 93 50 88 67