Aarhus Universitets segl


28-06-2018. Ramin participates in the IUTAM Symposium on size-effects in Microstruture and Damage Evolution at DTU, Denmark (http://www.conferencemanager.dk/iutam/home.html).

14-05-2018. Dr. Narguess Nemati, a postdoctoral candidate from the Nano-Wear center at Yonsei University, South Korea, visits our group. Narguess will present their recent achievements on developing multilayer coating materials.

12-04-2018. Ramin presented as an invited speaker at Global Manufacturing Festival 2018, organized by Business Region Midtvest at Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (DAMRC). He presented recent numerical developments toward scientific and predictive modeling of machining process using computer simulations, highlighting a new roadmap for moving from trial-and-error to predictive machining in metals and composites.

21-03-2018. Our proposal for accessing computational resources at Dellingr (a Nordic Sharing and Exchange of eInfrastructure Resources) has been accepted. Our group will use this computational facility to conduct large atomistic simulations for understanding the origins of material wear. Further information about the Dellinger Platform can be found here. Also, a summary of the applications served by the first pilot can be found here.

20-03-2018. Our recent manuscript "Asperity-level origins of transition from mild to severe wear" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. This study shows that the interaction between subsurface stress fields of neighbouring contact spots promote the transition from mild to severe wear and explains the breakdown of the linear relation between the wear volume and the normal load in the severe wear regime. Further information can be found here.

19-02-2018. Dr. Kai Zhao joined the Surface Mechanics Group as a postdoctoral researcher. Kai obtained his Ph.D from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in December 2017. He collaborates on the project "Course-grained numerical modeling of adhesive wear".

10-02-2018. Our group received a grant from Universitetets Strategiske Midler (USM) and Aarhus Universitets ForskningsFond (AUFF) for organizing an industrial-academic workshop on manufacturing at Aarhus University.

01-09-2017. Ramin received an AUFF Starting Grant from Aarhus University Research Foundation to conduct research on course-grained numerical modeling of adhesive wear.