Aarhus University Seal


Faculty members

Mahdi Abkar

Head of section of Fluids and Energy, associate professor

Current BSc, MSc & visiting PhD students

  • Thomas Schaarup Utzon, "Physics-informed neural networks for fluid mechanics of wind farms". 
  • Selias Pagh Brauer and Søren Brix Grønhøj, "Super-resolution of wind data using physics-informed machine learning".
  • Emil Toftgaard Larsen, Niklas Halberg Jakobsen and Rasmus Marker Hansen, "Modeling the effect of air temperature and humidity on the performance of direct air (carbon) capture".

Alumni: Former PhD students, postdocs, and visiting scholars

  • Ali Amarloo (PhD/Postdoc), "Data-driven RANS modelling and prediction of turbulent flows", 2020-2023/2024.
  • Aurélien Vadrot (Postdoc), "Predictive LES wall modeling via physics-informed machine learning", 2022-2024.
  • Mario Javier Rincón (PhD), "Robust optimization of ultrasonic flow meters by CFD and enhanced turbulence modelling", 2020-2023.
  • Christian Møldrup Legaard (PhD), "The next paradigm for modeling and simulation? Integrating scientific machine learning methods in FMI-based co-simulation", 2020-2023.
  • Ali Eidi (PhD), "Investigation of model-form uncertainties on Reynolds stress estimation using data-driven methods and machine learning", 2019-2022.
  • Qianqian Shi (visiting PhD), "Study on airflow characteristics and fiber motion in the airflow field in rotor spinning", 2022. 

Alumni: Former BSc and MSc students

  • Josephine Perto Justsen, "Analytical modeling of wake and blockage effects in wind-farm clusters", 2024.
  • Niklas Valentin Roed Jensen, "Physics-informed neural networks for fluid dynamics: From laminar towards turbulent flows", 2024.
  • Simon Lucas Crull, "Slip factor prediction for centrifugal pumps using physics-guided machine learning", 2024.
  • Jeppe Dybdal Jacobsen and Jeppe Bech Jensen, "Degassing effect on heating systems", 2023.
  • Signe Frederiksen, Anton Thorsen and Sara Linnet, "Thermal flow sensor technology", 2023.
  • Denis Mulalic, Benjamin Christensen and Selias Pagh Brauer, "Data-driven modeling of fluid flow behind bluff bodies using SINDy", 2023.
  • Jakob Toft Pedersen, Søren Brix Grønhøj and Thomas Schaarup Utzon, "Data-driven modeling of fluid flow behind bluff bodies using DMD", 2023.
  • Mike Lasse Ethelberg Jonson, Peter Thorhauge Møllmann and Daniel Kudahl Larsen, "Wake flow modeling of wind farms", 2023. 
  • Jonas Röpke, "Impact of inflow profiles on pump performance", 2023. 
  • Nicolai Thorenfeldt Ingwersen and Anders Caspersen, "Uncertaintiy quantification in CFD simulation of flow meters", 2023. 
  • Isa Helal, "Incorporating symmetries in data-driven modeling of fluid flows using SINDy", 2023.
  • Marcus Binder Nilsen, "Wind-farm power optimization using reinforcement learning", 2023
  • Peter Kiel Kviesgaard and Jakob Skjødt Sørensen, "Quantification of energy saving potential in heating systems by applying vacuum degassing", 2023
  • Mathias Brønderup Christiansen, "Stratified flow in hot-water pipes" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, Co-advisor: Dr. Martino Reclari), 2022
  • Christian Joachim Krogh, "CFD modeling tools for turbulators in conjugate heat transfer problems", 2022.
  • Anders Hjorth-Degenkolv Kristensen, "Performance optimization of a centrifugal pump with the 3D inverse design method", 2022.
  • Stefan Pedersen and Mads Holm Hansen, "Data-driven prediction of turbulent flow in complex terrain", 2022.
  • Emil Munch Quist and Rasmus Venborg Taul Pedersen, "CFD simulation of wake flow under thermally stratified regimes", 2022.
  • Emil Buur Trads and Simon Sejer Pedersen, "Wind farm modeling using physics-informed deep learning and weather data", 2021.
  • Christoffer Hansen, "A dynamical system analysis of roughness-induced secondary flows", 2021.
  • Johan Hardt Løbner, "Shape optimizing of obstacles in channel flow using CFD", 2021.
  • Frederik W. Johannsen, "Blockage effects in large wind farms", 2021.
  • Kenneth Rugholm Kramer and Jeppe Dybkjær Ditlev, "Wind farm modeling using physics-informed machine learning", 2020.  
  • Simon Hornshøj-Møller and Peter Dræby Nielsen, "Modeling structural uncertainties in Reynolds-averaged computations of wind turbine wakes", 2020.   
  • Morten Tvedskov Nielsen and Camilla Ørsted Bendtsen, "RANS simulations of wind turbine wake flow over hilly terrain with quantified uncertainty using OpenFOAM", 2020.   
  • Simon Jensen, "Non-invasive volumetric flow measurements by ultrasound Doppler surface velocimetry in open channels" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, supervision together with Gorm Andresen), 2019.
  • Michael Hansen, "Co-locating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines in an extended wind farm", 2019.
  • Roland Szekely, "Analytical modeling of steady and unsteady wakes behind multi-rotor wind turbines", 2019.
  • Abdalla Khamas, "Wind farm wake modeling and optimization based on multi rotor wind turbines" (in collaboration with Vestas Wind Systems A/S, supervision together with Martin Greiner), 2018.
  • Luis Cremades Rey, "Epistemic uncertainty quantification of RANS models" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, Co-advisor: Dr. Denis F. Hinz), 2018.