Thomas Schaarup Utzon, "Physics-informed neural networks for fluid mechanics of wind farms".
Selias Pagh Brauer and Søren Brix Grønhøj, "Super-resolution of wind data using physics-informed machine learning".
Emil Toftgaard Larsen, Niklas Halberg Jakobsen and Rasmus Marker Hansen, "Modeling the effect of air temperature and humidity on the performance of direct air (carbon) capture".
Alumni: Former PhD students, postdocs, and visiting scholars
Ali Amarloo (PhD/Postdoc), "Data-driven RANS modelling and prediction of turbulent flows", 2020-2023/2024.
Aurélien Vadrot (Postdoc), "Predictive LES wall modeling via physics-informed machine learning", 2022-2024.
Mario Javier Rincón (PhD), "Robust optimization of ultrasonic flow meters by CFD and enhanced turbulence modelling", 2020-2023.
Christian Møldrup Legaard (PhD), "The next paradigm for modeling and simulation? Integrating scientific machine learning methods in FMI-based co-simulation", 2020-2023.
Ali Eidi (PhD), "Investigation of model-form uncertainties on Reynolds stress estimation using data-driven methods and machine learning", 2019-2022.
Qianqian Shi (visiting PhD), "Study on airflow characteristics and fiber motion in the airflow field in rotor spinning", 2022.
Alumni: Former BSc and MSc students
Josephine Perto Justsen, "Analytical modeling of wake and blockage effects in wind-farm clusters", 2024.
Niklas Valentin Roed Jensen, "Physics-informed neural networks for fluid dynamics: From laminar towards turbulent flows", 2024.
Simon Lucas Crull, "Slip factor prediction for centrifugal pumps using physics-guided machine learning", 2024.
Jeppe Dybdal Jacobsen and Jeppe Bech Jensen, "Degassing effect on heating systems", 2023.
Signe Frederiksen, Anton Thorsen and Sara Linnet, "Thermal flow sensor technology", 2023.
Denis Mulalic, Benjamin Christensen and Selias Pagh Brauer, "Data-driven modeling of fluid flow behind bluff bodies using SINDy", 2023.
Jakob Toft Pedersen, Søren Brix Grønhøj and Thomas Schaarup Utzon, "Data-driven modeling of fluid flow behind bluff bodies using DMD", 2023.
Mike Lasse Ethelberg Jonson, Peter Thorhauge Møllmann and Daniel Kudahl Larsen, "Wake flow modeling of wind farms", 2023.
Jonas Röpke, "Impact of inflow profiles on pump performance", 2023.
Nicolai Thorenfeldt Ingwersen and Anders Caspersen, "Uncertaintiy quantification in CFD simulation of flow meters", 2023.
Isa Helal, "Incorporating symmetries in data-driven modeling of fluid flows using SINDy", 2023.
Marcus Binder Nilsen, "Wind-farm power optimization using reinforcement learning", 2023
Peter Kiel Kviesgaard and Jakob Skjødt Sørensen, "Quantification of energy saving potential in heating systems by applying vacuum degassing", 2023
Mathias Brønderup Christiansen, "Stratified flow in hot-water pipes" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, Co-advisor: Dr. Martino Reclari), 2022
Christian Joachim Krogh, "CFD modeling tools for turbulators in conjugate heat transfer problems", 2022.
Anders Hjorth-Degenkolv Kristensen, "Performance optimization of a centrifugal pump with the 3D inverse design method", 2022.
Stefan Pedersen and Mads Holm Hansen, "Data-driven prediction of turbulent flow in complex terrain", 2022.
Emil Munch Quist and Rasmus Venborg Taul Pedersen, "CFD simulation of wake flow under thermally stratified regimes", 2022.
Emil Buur Trads and Simon Sejer Pedersen, "Wind farm modeling using physics-informed deep learning and weather data", 2021.
Christoffer Hansen, "A dynamical system analysis of roughness-induced secondary flows", 2021.
Johan Hardt Løbner, "Shape optimizing of obstacles in channel flow using CFD", 2021.
Frederik W. Johannsen, "Blockage effects in large wind farms", 2021.
Kenneth Rugholm Kramer and Jeppe Dybkjær Ditlev, "Wind farm modeling using physics-informed machine learning", 2020.
Simon Hornshøj-Møller and Peter Dræby Nielsen, "Modeling structural uncertainties in Reynolds-averaged computations of wind turbine wakes", 2020.
Morten Tvedskov Nielsen and Camilla Ørsted Bendtsen, "RANS simulations of wind turbine wake flow over hilly terrain with quantified uncertainty using OpenFOAM", 2020.
Simon Jensen, "Non-invasive volumetric flow measurements by ultrasound Doppler surface velocimetry in open channels" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, supervision together with Gorm Andresen), 2019.
Michael Hansen, "Co-locating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines in an extended wind farm", 2019.
Roland Szekely, "Analytical modeling of steady and unsteady wakes behind multi-rotor wind turbines", 2019.
Abdalla Khamas, "Wind farm wake modeling and optimization based on multi rotor wind turbines" (in collaboration with Vestas Wind Systems A/S, supervision together with Martin Greiner), 2018.
Luis Cremades Rey, "Epistemic uncertainty quantification of RANS models" (in collaboration with Kamstrup A/S, Co-advisor: Dr. Denis F. Hinz), 2018.