Aarhus University Seal

Experimental Fluid Mechanics


Our research group is dedicated to advancing sustainable technologies in fluids engineering, with a particular focus on energy and transport systems. We employ cutting-edge experimental methods to explore a wide range of fluid mechanics challenges. Our expertise lies in developing and applying advanced laser-optical flow diagnostics for complex measurement tasks, from fundamental flow physics to gas turbine aerodynamics.

Our current research areas include:

  • Drag reduction in aero- and hydrodynamics
  • Data-driven approaches to turbulence
  • Novel diagnostic techniques for turbulent scalar-velocity interactions

Open positions and students projects

We welcome inquiries for BSc/MSc projects. Please contact us at ud@mpe.au.dk. Below are some example projects, but we are also open to discussing your own project ideas, including collaborations with companies.

Example projects:

  • Flow Conditioning for Discharge Coefficient Verification in Overhead NSHEV Systems
  • Development and validation of a CFD model for smoke ventilation testing of modular skylight window
  • Experimental verification of thermal mass flow sensors from IST and Sensirion
  • Adaptive Surface Morphology for Flow Control in Aerodynamics
  • Ultrasonic Multibeam Sonar for Underwater Bubble Characterization
  • Shark skin inspired surface modifications for aerodynamic performance improvement
  • Aerodynamic Investigations of the Vestas Cable Stayed Rotor Cable-to-Blade Fairing


  • Fluid Mechanics (Fall semester, 2024 - present)
  • Experimental Fluid Mechanics (Fall semester, upcoming 2025)


Ulrich Doll

Tenure Track Assistant Professor