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Employees at Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Abkar, Mahdi Head of section of Fluids and Energy, associate professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy abkar@mpe.au.dk +4593521694 5132, 147
Adamsen, Orla Kirkegaard Part-time Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering oka@mpe.au.dk
Aghababaei, Ramin Head of section of Mechanics and Materials, associate professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials ra@mpe.au.dk +4593508956 5126, 238
Aher, Gaurav Rajendra PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing gaurav.aher@mpe.au.dk +4591812879 5132, 229
Airao, Jay Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials jay@mpe.au.dk +916283531183 5126, 148/150
Akbari, Mohammad Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics m.akbari@mpe.au.dk 5128, 144
Alamia, Alberto Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy alamia@mpe.au.dk 5132, 116
Alfastsen, Helle Elbæk Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE hea@mpe.au.dk +4593522585 5128, 234
Alizadeh Zolbin, Maryam Laboratory Coordinator Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials maz@mpe.au.dk +4593508737 5126, 243
Almskou, Torben Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing toa@mpe.au.dk +4593508739 5132, 251
Andersen, Jens Møller Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy ja@mpe.au.dk +4593522976 5132, 153
Andersen, Morten Flarup Head of Secretariat Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE mfa@mpe.au.dk +4593508273 5128, 227
Andersen, Morten Opstrup PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials moa@mpe.au.dk
Andriollo, Tito Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials titoan@mpe.au.dk +4593588273 5126, 242
Balling, Ole Professor (Docent) Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics oba@mpe.au.dk +4521702863 5128, 121
Bisgaard, Gustav Electrician Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE gustav@mpe.au.dk 589C
Bloch, Carsten Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials cblo@mpe.au.dk +4593508375 5126, 245
Bøndergaard, Søren Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing sboe@mpe.au.dk +4523359214 5132, 223/225
Borbolla Muñoz, Adrián PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing amunoz@mpe.au.dk 5132, 229
Brandt, Anders Head of Department, Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering abra@mpe.au.dk +4529125815 5128, 231
Brandt, Lars Jeff Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering ljb@mpe.au.dk +4593521981 8003
Bräuner, Lars Erik Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing lb@mpe.au.dk +4541893183 5132, 220
Bricalli, Roberto PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy rbricalli@mpe.au.dk 5132, 119
Bruhn, Karina Sigaard Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE karina@mpe.au.dk +4593508761 5128, 234
Andresen, Gorm Bruun Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy gba@mpe.au.dk +4529426179 5132, 145
Budzik, Michal Kazimierz Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials mibu@mpe.au.dk +4541893217 5126, 231
Bushagour, Amira Helen PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing amira.bushagour@mpe.au.dk 5132, 229
Cattani, Michele PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy cattani@mpe.au.dk 5132, 144
Cenev, Zoran Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics zoran.cenev@mpe.au.dk +4520647544 5128, 140
Christensen, Laurits Schulz Buildings Supervision Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE laurits@mpe.au.dk +4587156617 589C
Christensen, Sander Kragelund Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics skc@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Colombo, Monika Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy mc@mpe.au.dk 5132, 152
Degner, Sisse Assistant Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering sisse@mpe.au.dk +4593521536
Doll, Ulrich Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy ud@mpe.au.dk +4520642531 5132, 154
D Ranasinghe Mudiyanse Ralahamillage, Disna Prasadini Eheliyagoda Industrial postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing disna@mpe.au.dk 5132, 229
Durocher, Hjalte PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics hdu@mpe.au.dk 5128, 144
Esmizadeh, Sahar Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials se@mpe.au.dk 5126, 140
Farah, Sleiman Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy sleiman.farah@mpe.au.dk 5132, 116
Fernandes, Ricardo PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy ricardo.fernandes@mpe.au.dk 5132, 117
Forooghi, Pourya Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy forooghi@mpe.au.dk +4593522303 5132, 155
Garg, Hemanshul Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials hemanshul.garg@mpe.au.dk 5126, 129
Glisic, Marija Industrial postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing marija.glisic@mpe.au.dk 5132, 229
Greiner, Martin Professor iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change - iCLIMATE Aarhus University Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Navitas greiner@au.dk +4521491002
Greve, Thomas Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials tgr@mpe.au.dk +4521186399 5126, 245
Gudlavalleti, V V S Vara Prasad Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy varaprasadgudlavalleti@mpe.au.dk +45 71685963 5132, 127
Gullach, Frederik Erhard PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy fegu@mpe.au.dk
Hansen, Christoffer PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy chris@mpe.au.dk 5132, 119
Hansen, Per Lyngs Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy lyngs@mpe.au.dk +4520879320 5132, 145
Harikumar, Govind Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy govindhk@mpe.au.dk 5132, 124
Hoffmann, Ulla-Lisbeth Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials ulh@mpe.au.dk +4541893134 5126, 243
Hu, Ping Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials pihu@mpe.au.dk 5126, 140
Hund, Jonas Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials jonas.hund@mpe.au.dk 5126, 129
Hvilsted, Anders Part-time Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering ah@mpe.au.dk +4540272808 5132, 222/224
Jacobsen, Andreas Nørgaard PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy anj@mpe.au.dk 5132, 124
Jensen, Birger Folsach Skilled Workman Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE bfj@mpe.au.dk +4541893045 589C
Jensen, Henrik Myhre Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials hmj@mpe.au.dk +4541893215 5126, 251
Jensen, Henrik Roed Assistant Engineer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE hrj@mpe.au.dk +4593508624 589C
Jørgensen, Martin Heide Deputy Head of Department - Education, Professor (Docent) Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering mhj@mpe.au.dk +4524857523 5128, 214
Josephson, Camilla Maria Kyllikki Research Coordinator Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE camilla@mpe.au.dk +4520680510 5128, 240
Justesen, Mia Louise Part-time Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing mlj@mpe.au.dk
Kalweit, Sina PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy sk@mpe.au.dk 5132, 118
Kano, Mugisa Yahaya Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy myk@mpe.au.dk +4593508911 5132, 145
Kanstrup, Anna Sofie Student Worker Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE askan@mpe.au.dk
Karupppasamy, Subburaj Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing subburaj@mpe.au.dk +4593521393 5132, 249
Knudsen, Peter Munch Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing pmk@mpe.au.dk +4522636384 5132, 251
Kristiansen, Morten Fogtmann Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing mfk@mpe.au.dk +4593521445 5132, 255
Kunrath, Kamila Industrial postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing kamila@au.dk +4521592896 5132, 229
Lahn, Jakob Humlebæk Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics jhl@mpe.au.dk 589C
Langthjem, Mikael Andersen Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials ml@mpe.au.dk 5126, 249
Larsen, Brian Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing brla@mpe.au.dk +4522448977 5132, 222/224
Li, Jinghao Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing jli@mpe.au.dk 5132, 254
Li, Leihui PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics leihui@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Lucantonio, Alessandro Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials a.lucantonio@mpe.au.dk +4593517776 5126, 240
Lund, Karina Skovgaard Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE kalu@mpe.au.dk +4593521748 5128, 234
Lykke, Peter Harling Head of Workshops and laboratories Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE ply@mpe.au.dk +4541893325 5128, 244
Madary, Ahmad Research Engineer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE amadary@mpe.au.dk +4593522473 589C
Madsen, Søren Peder Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials sma@mpe.au.dk +4541893178 5126, 233
Mahato, Swarup Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics swarup@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Mansour, Rami Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing ramimansour@mpe.au.dk +4593508867 5132, 256
Manti, Simone PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials smanti@mpe.au.dk 5126, 145
Melvad, Claus Professor (Docent) Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics cme@mpe.au.dk +4523244761 5128, 121a
Mohammadi Qaragoez, Ali Research Fellow Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials am.qaragoez@mpe.au.dk 5126, 145
Møller, Charles Deputy Head of Department - Research, Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering charles@mpe.au.dk +4561677786 5128, 255
Munk, Christina Head of Programme B.Sc.Eng., Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy cmu@mpe.au.dk +4541893161 5132, 150
Nemati, Narguess Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials nnemati@mpe.au.dk +4523382445 5126, 244
Nguyen, Phan Hoang Dao PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials phng@mpe.au.dk 5126, 144
Niazi, Kamran Ali Khan Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy kkn@mpe.au.dk
Nielsen, Martin Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing marni@mpe.au.dk +4530586832 5132, 223/225
Nielsen, Melissa Pilegaard Rasch Research Assistant Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics au591530@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Nielsen, Mikkel Bo Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics mbn@mpe.au.dk +4593508781 5128, 147
Noee, Javad PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics j.noee@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Nørsøller, Miriam Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE mirno@mpe.au.dk +4521345479 5128, 234
Nozarian, Sina PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy nozarian@mpe.au.dk 5132, 124
Ostrowski, Hendrik PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing heos@mpe.au.dk
Persson, Liliana Roman Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials lipe@mpe.au.dk +4593517794 5126, 245
Pezzulla, Matteo Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials matt@mpe.au.dk +4520697522 5126, 248
Rahdan, Parisa PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy parisr@mpe.au.dk 5132, 118
Ramanujan, Devarajan Head of Section Design and Manufacturing, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing devr@mpe.au.dk +4593508848 5132, 241
Rasmussen, Jeppe Fogh Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics jfr@mpe.au.dk 5128, 138
Rincón, Mario Javier Industrial postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy mjrp@mpe.au.dk 5132, 118
Rojas, Pablo IT Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics jose@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Sadik, Souhayl Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials sosa@mpe.au.dk +4593522653 5126, 250
Sandberg, Michael Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing ms@mpe.au.dk +4542775302 5132, 245
Schmiegel, Jürgen Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy schmiegl@mpe.au.dk +4530958323 5132, 153a
Seeberg, Jeppe Industry Technician Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE js@mpe.au.dk +4520906615 589C
Sejersen, Jesper Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics jse@mpe.au.dk +4541893163 5128, 133
Sirangelo, Dario PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics dsi@mpe.au.dk +4593508963 5128, 149
Søby, Jon Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE jso@mpe.au.dk +4522375356 5128, 232
Søgaard, Henning Tangen Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics hts@mpe.au.dk +4541893182 5128, 133
Soltani, Ali PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials asoltani@mpe.au.dk 5132, 145
Soltani, Amin PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy soltani@mpe.au.dk 5132, 122
Storm, Camilla Hvolbøll Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing cao@mpe.au.dk +4593522569 5132, 246
Stovgaard, Charlotte Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE cst@mpe.au.dk +4593508855 5128, 234
Strack, Daniel PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing dast@mpe.au.dk 5132, 222
Suhr, Martin PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering masu@mpe.au.dk 5128, 155
Tabassian, Rassoul Tenure Track Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics r.tabassian@mpe.au.dk +4593522708 5128, 127
Tadayon Mousavi, Samaneh Industrial postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy s.tadayon@mpe.au.dk 5132, 125
Telling, Kristine Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing krte@mpe.au.dk +4520600296 5132, 223/225
Thostrup, Frederik Bendix Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics fbt@mpe.au.dk 5128, 138
Thrane, Johan Bavngaard Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics jbt@mpe.au.dk +4521728896 5128, 133
Trebbien, Freja Apprentice Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Workshop, MPE ft@mpe.au.dk 589C
Ulriksen, Martin Dalgaard Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics mdu@mpe.au.dk +4593508866 5128, 131
Veluri, Badrinath External Industrial Researcher Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing bveluri@mpe.au.dk
Vernica, Teodor PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing teodor.vernica@mpe.au.dk 5132, 222
Vestergaard, Jens Brusgaard Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy jbv@mpe.au.dk +4541893162 5132, 153
Victoria, Marta Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy mvp@mpe.au.dk +4522631595 5132, 156
Wahlgren, Søren Sølund PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials ssw@mpe.au.dk 5126, 144
Wang, Tian Postdoc Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy tianwang@mpe.au.dk 5132, 124
Xie, Zhiyuan PhD Student Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy zyx@mpe.au.dk 5132, 116
Zehtabiyan-Rezaie, Navid Researcher Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy zehtabiyan@mpe.au.dk 5132, 125
Zhang, Lili Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechanics and Materials lili.zhang@mpe.au.dk +4522115341 5126, 246
Zhang, Xuping Head of section of Mechatronics and Dynamics, associate professo Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Mechatronics and Dynamics xuzh@mpe.au.dk +4541893167 5128, 129
Zhang, Zhe Member of Administrative Staff Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy zhe@mpe.au.dk 5132, 122