Migliorini, M.
, Doll, U., Lawson, N. J., Melnikov, S. M., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Zachos, P. K., Röhle, I. & MacManus, D. G. (2025).
Advancements on the use of Filtered Rayleigh Scattering (FRS) with Machine learning methods for flow distortion in Aero-Engine intakes.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,
160, 111325. Artikel 111325.
Arumugam, V. K., Mantzaras, J., Gantenbein, A.
, Doll, U. & Schildhauer, T. (2024).
Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure methane catalytic synthesis from H2 and CO2.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
40(1-4), Artikel 105206.
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., Melnikov, S., Röhle, I., Migliorini, M. & K. Zachos, P. (2024).
Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. Experiments in Fluids,
65(1), Artikel 2.
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., Melnikov, S., Röhle, I., Migliorini, M. & K. Zachos, P. (2024).
Towards Time-Resolved Multi-Property Measurements By Single-Frequency FRS. I
21th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics https://doi.org/10.55037/lxlaser.21st.19
Dues, M., Dues, F., Steinbock, J., Melnikov, S.
, Doll, U., Röhle, I., Migliorini, M. & K. Zachos, P. (2024).
2D3C Measurement Of Velocity, Pressure And Temperature Fields In A Intake Flow Of An Air Turbine By Filtered Rayleigh Sattering (FRS) And Validation With LDV And PIV. I
21th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics https://doi.org/10.55037/lxlaser.21st.21
Faldella, F., Eisenring, S., Kim, T.
, Doll, U. & Jansohn, P. (2024).
Turbulent Flame Speed and Flame Characteristics of Lean Premixed H2-CH4 Flames at Moderate Pressure Levels.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,
146(2), Artikel 021012 .
Kapulla, R., Kelm, S.
, Doll, U., Liu, X., Paranjape, S. & Paladino, D. (2024).
Large-scale PANDA facility – radiation experiments and CFD calculations.
89(2), 202-217.
Migliorini, M., Zachos, P. K., Macmanus, D. G.
, Doll, U., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., Dues, F., Siswanto, A., Melnikov, S. M. & Röhle, I. (2024).
Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility. Afhandling præsenteret på AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2024, Orlando, USA.
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Migliorini, M. & K. Zachos, P. (2023).
Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. I
AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA).
Dues, M., Steinbock, J.
, Doll, U., Röhle, I., Melnikov, S., K. Zachos, P. & Migliorini, M. (2023).
Planar seeding free measurement of time-averaged 2D3C velocity, pressure and temperature fields using the Filtered Rayleigh Scattering method. I
Fachtagung „Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik“ https://ila-rnd.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/FRS-Planar-seeding-free-measurement-of-time-averaged-2D3C-velocity.pdf
Kapulla, R., Xiongguo, L., Kelm, S.
, Doll, U., Paranjape, S. & Paladino, D. (2023).
Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations. Nuclear Engineering and Design,
411, Artikel 112408.
Melnikov, S., Röhle, I.
, Doll, U., Steinbock, J., Migliorini, M. & Zachos, P. K. (2023).
Machine learning approach for fast evaluation of filtered Rayleigh scattering measurement data. I
Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Fredrich, D., Shcherbanev, S.
, Doll, U., Giusti, A. & Noiray, N. (2023).
Air-blast atomization and ignition of a kerosene spray in hot vitiated crossflow. Combustion and Flame,
256, Artikel 112915.
Pandey, K., Miniero, L.
, Doll, U., M. de Oliveira, P., Mastorakos, E. & Noiray, N. (2023).
Topological transitions of Jet A-1 lean azimuthal flames (LEAF).
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
39(4), 4791-4799.
Doll, U., Migliorini, M., Baikie, J., K. Zachos, P., Röhle, I., Melnikov, S., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Kapulla, R., G. MacManus, D. & J. Lawson, N. (2022).
Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures. Progress in Aerospace Sciences,
130, Artikel 100810.
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S.
, Doll, U., Kirkby, E. & Paladino, D. (2022).
Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content. Nuclear Engineering and Technology,
54(11), 4348-4358.
Kapulla, R.
, Doll, U., Kirkby, E., Paranjape, S. & Paladino, D. (2022).
Growth laws and self-similarity in the confined mixing zone of unstratified and strongly stably stratified isokinetic mixing-layers past a splitter plate. Physics of Fluids,
34(3), Artikel 035129.
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Fehlmann, M., Suter, S.
, Doll, U. & Paladino, D. (2022).
The effects of activated cooler power on the transient pressure decay and helium mixing in the PANDA facility. Nuclear Engineering and Technology,
54(6), 2311-2320.
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Fredrich, D.
, Doll, U., Giusti, A. & Noiray, N. (2022).
Flame Dynamics of a reactive spray in vitiated crossflow.. Poster-session præsenteret på 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Zachos, P., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Guntermann, P., Melnikov, S., Röhle, I.
, Doll, U. & Migliorini, M. (2022).
SINATRA: Seeding-free, non-intrusive aero engine distortion measurements – Project updates. Poster-session præsenteret på 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens, Barcelona, Spanien.
K. Zachos, P., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Gunterman, P., Röhle, I.
, Doll, U., Baikie, J. & J. Lawson, N. (2021).
SINATRA: Seeding-free, non-intrusive aero engine distortion measurements – Project updates. 28. Abstract fra 11th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens..
Sakellarakis, V. D., Vera-Tudela, W.
, Doll, U., Ebi, D., Wright, Y. M. & Boulouchos, K. (2021).
The effect of high-pressure injection variations on the mixing state of underexpanded methane jets. International Journal of Engine Research,
22(9), 2900-2918.
Weilenmann, M.
, Doll, U., Bombach, R., Blondé, A., Ebi, D., Xiong, Y. & Noiray, N. (2021).
Linear and nonlinear entropy-wave response of technically-premixed jet-flames-array and swirled flame to acoustic forcing. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
38(4), 6135-6143.
Shcherbanev, S., Morinière, T., Solana-Pérez, R., Weilenmann, M., Xiong, Y.
, Doll, U. & Noiray, N. (2020).
Anchoring of premixed jet flames in vitiated crossflow with pulsed nanosecond spark discharge.
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science,
1-4, Artikel 100010.
Zachos, P., Lawson, N., Dues, M., Guntermann, P., Röhle, I.
& Doll, U. (2020).
Towards in-flight aero-engine inlet distortion measurements using seeding-free, nonintrusive flow diagnostic methods.. Abstract fra 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens..
Bonciolini, G., Ebi, D.
, Doll, U., Weilenmann, M. & Noiray, N. (2019).
Effect of wall thermal inertia upon transient thermoacoustic dynamics of a swirl-stabilized flame.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
37(4), 5351-5358.
Dues, M.
, Doll, U., Bacci, T., Picchi, A., Stockhausen, G. & Willert, C. (2019).
Laseroptische Untersuchung des Strömungsfeldes hinter dem Turbinengitter eines Simulationsprüfstandes mittels Filtered Rayleigh Scattering. I
Fachtagung “Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik”
Ebi, D.
, Doll, U., Schulz, O., Xiong, Y. & Noiray, N. (2019).
Ignition of a sequential combustor: Evidence of flame propagation in the autoignitable mixture.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
37(4), 5013-5020.
Noiray, N., Schulz, O., Weilenmann, M., Bourquard, C., Xiong, Y., Ebi, D.
& Doll, U. (2019).
Combustion Dynamics in Sequential combustors.. Poster-session præsenteret på TCP on Clean and Efficient Combustion, Montreux, Schweiz.
Schulz, O.
, Doll, U., Ebi, D., Droujko, J., Bourquard, C. & Noiray, N. (2019).
Thermoacoustic instability in a sequential combustor: Large eddy simulation and experiments.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
37(4), 5325-5332.
Vera-Tudela, W., Sakellarakis, V. D., Wright, Y. M., Boulouchos, K.
, Doll, U., Ebi, D., Banholzer, M. & Pfitzner, M. (2019).
Study of a high-pressure methane jet in a quiescent environment via optical diagnostics and computational simulations.. Poster-session præsenteret på Conference on Combustion Research in Switzerland, Zürich, Schweiz.
Doll, U., Dues, M., Bacci, T., Picchi, A., Stockhausen, G. & Willert, C. (2018).
Aero-thermal flow characterization downstream of an NGV cascade by five-hole probe and filtered Rayleigh scattering measurements.
Experiments in Fluids,
59, Artikel 150.
Doll, U., Dues, M., Bacci, T., Picchi, A., Stockhausen, G. & Willert, C. (2018).
Pressure, temperature and velocity distributions behind an NGV cascade by filtered Rayleigh scattering measurements. I T. Rösgen (red.),
Proceedings 18th International Symposium on Flow Visualization vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
Dues, M.
, Doll, U., Bacci, T., Picchi, A., Stockhausen, G. & Willert, C. (2018).
Laser-optical characterization of the flow field behind the NGV cascade of a three- sector combustor simulator using filtered Rayleigh scattering, I
19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326493050_Laser-optical_characterization_of_the_flow_field_behind_the_NGV_cascade_of_a_three-sector_combustor_simulator_using_filtered_Rayleigh_scattering