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Mechanical design

Mechanical design

Mechanical design encompasses the use of materials, and the processes and calculations needed to achieve the optimal form and function of a product or machine.

Product development has changed significantly over the past 200 years. In the past, guesswork and rules of thumb were often used. However, modern methods of calculation have now become some of the most important tools.

This means that we can now create exact simulations of products prior to beginning production. Therefore, the time from idea to market is significantly shorter, and the risk of faulty production is minimised.

Mechanical design brings together all the sub-disciplines of engineering to exploit knowledge about calculation, design, materials and manufacturing processes to create innovative machines and products.

Design using scaled trials and advanced calculations

Central to all design is in-depth knowledge about how a structure behaves when it is exposed to external and internal forces.

For example, a modern wind turbine has to be designed to operate for 25 years. However, testing a full size wind turbine is not realistic. This is why the development of wind turbines combines scaled-up experiments with advanced calculations.

Many of the products we know today – from giant space rockets to racing bicycles and smart food mixers – would not exist without modern structural engineering.

We convert theory into practice

Mechanical design at the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering uses traditional calculation methods and advanced computer simulations for real-world tasks.

We distinguish ourselves by having a high theoretical level while simultaneously maintaining academic breadth within the area. It is therefore possible for us to convert theory into practice, even when the issue is complex.

Our collaboration agreements with companies and other external partners focus heavily on ensuring that the collaboration generates value.

Contact persons:

Torben Almskou

Torben Almskou

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Lars Jeff Brandt

Lars Jeff Brandt

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

Anders Hvilsted

Anders Hvilsted

Part-time Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

Morten Fogtmann Kristiansen

Morten Fogtmann Kristiansen

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Søren Bøndergaard

Søren Bøndergaard

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Martin Nielsen

Martin Nielsen

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Camilla Gammelgaard Olesen

Camilla Hvolbøll Storm

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Brian Larsen

Brian Larsen

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Kristine Telling

Kristine Telling

Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Peter Munch Knudsen

Peter Munch Knudsen

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Design and Manufacturing

Orla Kirkegaard Adamsen

Orla Kirkegaard Adamsen

Part-time Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

Sisse Degner

Sisse Degner

Assistant Lecturer Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering

Focus areas for the specialist group:

  • Use of advanced calculation and simulation tools
  • Use of the latest standards for calculating and documenting products (GPS tolerances, Eurocodes)
  • Fracture mechanics
  • CAD
  • CFD
  • Design of noise and vibration cancelling structures
  • Designing for optimal service life
  • FEM
  • Hydraulics
  • Composite materials
  • Vehicle technology
  • Machinery for the energy sector
  • Machine learning
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Production technology
  • Steel constructions
  • Vibration