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Employees at Design and Manufacturing

Are you looking for an employee at Section of Design and Manufacturing? On this page you can find all the employees associated with the Section of Design and Manufacturing - Department of Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Aarhus University.

Below you can find a list of all the employees, their name, job title, email, phone-number, and the building at Aarhus University where they are currently working from.

Click on the person's name to go to their personal website

List of Employees

Subject areas

Statics & strength of materials
3D CAD drawing
Internship coordinator

Lars Erik Bräuner

Head of programme B.Sc. and M.Sc., Associate Professor

Mia Louise Justesen

Part-time Lecturer

Subject areas

Mechanics of materials
Dynamics and vibrations
Steel structures
Mechanical engineering

Jinghao Li

Tenure Track Assistant Professor

Rami Mansour

Tenure Track assistant professor

Subject areas

Applied FEM
Applied CFD

Subject areas

Metal fatigue
Structural analysis
Finite Element Analysis

Devarajan Ramanujan

Head of Section Design and Manufacturing, Associate Professor

Badrinath Veluri

External Industrial Researcher

Subject areas

Sustainable Design & Manufacturing
Data Visualization
Augmented Reality