Aarhus University Seal

Computational Physics and Machine Learning

About the research group

The Computational Physics and Machine Learning lab fosters the use of machine learning and advanced computational techniques for the data-driven modeling of complex systems.  Special focus is on the development of novel algorithms that can discover the governing equations underlying some phenomena starting from experimental measurements or other type of data.

In contrast with purely data-driven methods and current trends in AI and ML, we strive to obtain interpretable models that generalize well on unseen data, and can provide guarantees on their safety and reliability. To achieve these goals, we use a combination of equation-based modeling and machine learning techniques, including symbolic regression, evolutionary algorithms, reinforcement learning and deep neural networks.

Research interests

  • Data-driven discovery of mathematical models
  • Discrete calculus for mathematical modeling
  • Neurosymbolic algorithms for model discovery
  • Data-driven reduced order modelling of complex fluid flows
  • Graph Neural Networks for surrogate physics modeling
  • Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Neural Operators


  • Material characterization and constitutive modeling
  • High-performance simulation of complex fluid flows
  • Control of (soft) robotic systems
  • Traffic flow modeling
  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Dynamical systems identification

Teaching activities

  • Data Science (1st semester, MSc in Mechanical Engineering)
  • Data-Enhanced Simulation for Solids (1st semester, MSc in Mechanical Engineering)
  • Advanced FEM (2nd semester, MSc in Mechanical Engineering)

Principal Investigator