Aarhus University Seal



Our staff and laboratory are open to internship students. We offer modern and perfectly maintained equipment, facilities and supervision as well as interesting and exciting topics within interface mechanics, smart and composite materials.


We are receiving increasing number of applications for internships in our laboratory. Due to the limited space we can welcome 3-4 students in the same period. Please submit your application (email Michal K. Budzik, mibu@eng.au.dk, stating an interest in conducting an internship with us) to ‘book your spot’. From experience we know that applicants for the summer stay (May to August) submitting applications in January/February have only limited chance to 'get a spot'.

We are part of the European Union COST project

Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures

Project no.: CA18120

Project funding: EU COST actions

COST actions  

Period of project implementation: 2019-04-04 - 2023-04-03

Project partners: 28 countries and more than 80 participants including academia, leading European industry and policy makers from Austria, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland

Areas of Expertise Relevant for the Action:

● Mechanical engineering: Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation)

● Mechanical engineering: Aerospace engineering

● Civil engineering: Civil engineering

● Materials engineering: Structural properties of materials


● Adhesive bonding

● Critical load bearing structures

● Certification

Role in the project: Our group is co-author and member of Work Package 2 - Design Phase

This WG will coordinate research related to the design of adhesively bonded composite structures taking into account geometrical configurations, new design features, fatigue and impact loading, creep phenomena, damage tolerance, imperfect bonding and environmental effects. Although considerable amount of work has been already performed by researchers who developed several design algorithms, there is no generally accepted model yet. The objective of the WG is to propose a universal progressive damage algorithm that incorporates the aforementioned parameters and complies with the engineering allowables and design rules. In order to meet this objective, the WG will perform the following tasks:

• Task 2.1. Explore new design concepts (geometrical configurations and new crack arresting design features).

• Task 2.2. Compare testing procedures for bondline characterization and models validation (under static, fatigue and impact loading, creep phenomena, imperfect bonding and environmental effects).

• Task 2.3. Evaluate different design methodologies for the structural behaviour and progressive damage analysis of adhesively bonded structures.

If you are master student interested in the project and active participation contact Michal.

The Class of 2018

This year we had a pleasure to guest:

  • Romina Lopes Fernandes from TU Delft (The Netherlands). Romina stayed with us for 3 months working towards her PhD thesis
  • Clémentine Jacouton from Univ. Grenoble-Alpes (France). Clementine stayed with us for 3 months as an internship student. She worked on the project related to nanoadhesives for rubber bonding
  • Nicolas Gaillard from Univ. Nantes (France). Nicolas stayed for 3 months as internship student. Nicolas worked on peeling of 0 and 1st generation hierarchical structures.
  • Thomas Blevin from Univ. Nantes (France). Thomas worked with us for 3 months as internship student. We had some good time working on effect of bondline thickness.
  • Oliver Fichefeux from  The École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (ENSMM, France). Oliver had a long stay for 6 months during which he worked on origins of wear and friction.

It was a great time and fun to have you here guys. Hope all the best for you in the future!