Aarhus University Seal

Robotics & Control

Mission Statement

The group of Robotics and Control aims to developing the theories and technologies for designing and controlling advanced robot systems. We conduct research and provide education that advances the state-of-the-art in both macro-scale and micro-scale robotic manipulations with applications to manufacturing, biological, and medical engineering.

Head of Robotics Laboratory: Xuping Zhang, PhD, Associate Professor
Lab. members: Dan Thomsen, Kasper Frederiksen, Haijie Li, Zhuo Zhang

Research Interests

Our research focuses on four themes: Robotic Single-Cell Handling, Design and Control Theory of Robots, Robotic Industrial Manufacturing and Production, and Micro-Actuation.

I. Robotic Single-Cell Handling
This theme focuses on developing robotic solutions to automating biological cell manipulations: pick-and-place, positioning, rotating, sorting, patterning, identification, inspection, isolation, injection, characterization etc. The target applications include drug discovery, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), and cloning. Our research work on this theme has been published on Transaction on Biomedical Engineering etc.

Robotic single cell


II. Design and Control Theory of Robots
The theme focuses on the development of new robotic mechanisms, kinematic and dynamic analysis methods, adaptive and robust control strategies and technologies, sensors and actuators, motion planning schemes, trajectory tracking, vibration testing and control etc. The developed methodology and technology are used for the design and control of high-speed and high-accuracy robots. Recently we contributed with a theoretical publication within this domain, e.g.  on the dynamic Modelling of a Macro-Micro Manipulator Using Transfer Matrix Methods.

Design and Control Theory of Robots


III. Robotic Industrial Manufacturing and Production
The theme focuses on developing grippers and fixtures, optimizing robot motion plan, integrating sensors and controllers, and conducting testing and calibration. The goal is to provide robotic solutions to industrial manufacturing and production. The target application is to automate the critical and challenging industrial manufacturing and production process. Click here to read more about the robot systems.

Robotics Industrial Manufactoring and Production


IV. Micro-Actuation
The theme focuses on developing compact, stable, and high force and displacement actuation technique in micro-scale motion, including design, fabrication, characterization, optimization, and control. The potential application is to produce micro-scale or nano-scale motion for MEMS devices. The details can be found in our publications.

Micro actuation