My research activities have covered a broad range of experimental AMO, solid-state, and materials physics under the common broad theme of light-matter interaction. We study the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with matter by combining advanced time-resolved experiments with detailed modeling of the material dynamics. We are also contributing to the area of medical physics, more specifically three-dimensional radiation dosimetry using optical methods.
I have contributed to the teaching in a broad range of courses at both bachelor's and master's level. I prioritize active engagement of the students in class whenever possible. I am supervising students at bachelor's, master's and Ph.D.-level. As a supervisor, I strive to be attentive and available. Supervision is not one-size-fits-all, so an early alignment of expectations is an important prerequisite for success.
Part of my research activities are interdisciplinary and carried out with researchers from closely related areas (chemistry and nanotechnology) as well as researchers from the medical field. I frequently have research collaborations that involve also industrial partners from Denmark and abroad.